Stepping away from the fitness dialogue for just a moment and reflecting on my headspace...thank you for indulging me 😘⠀ ⠀ I have been touched and genuinely floored by the positive responses to the personal detail I’ve been sharing about my life these past few weeks. There’s been major vulnerability in this, and moments I’ve hesitated to continue because it IS divisive to transition a personal account into one with such different (and for some, triggering) content.
In the process I think I’ve been misunderstood at times. ⠀ ⠀ But after recently reflecting on some wise words from a friend, I realize that I am ultimately finding passion and personal growth in harnessing my energy in this way. I will not chose the lesser life. I will lean into the vulnerability, and chose the life that is mine 🖤 This platform is just one small part of that.⠀ ⠀ Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive in your words, shares, DMs and face-to-face conversations. And to those just getting to know me around here, WELCOME 🤗 I could not be more excited to grow and learn from you. ⠀ ⠀ Anything specific I can target for you, please leave in the comments 👇 I am humbled by the opportunity to share this space with so many kind, brilliant, strong, like-minded individuals 🙌💗⠀
August 31, 2019